Grant Funding in January 2024

Grant funding in January 2024 | Explore the vast array of grant funding opportunities available in January 2024. From government grants to nonprofit funding, discover how you can access financial support for your projects, initiatives, and research endeavors. Don’t miss out on the chance to secure the resources you need to turn your vision into reality. Explore January 2024’s grant landscape today

The List of Grant Funding in January 2024


NITDA/COURSERA Scholarship Programme 2024

NITDA has partnered with Coursera to offer learning scholarships that will enable Nigerian citizens to obtain professional certifications from some of the world’s leading multinational tech companies (e.g. Meta, Google, IBM) and top ranked US universities, Each scholar will have access to the Coursera license for a period of six (6) months, Scholars are expected to use this time to complete as many professional certifications as possible, but they can only be enrolled in one certification at a time, with any of the 3MTT 12 core skills listed below as courses within the certifications; Software Development, UI/UX Design, Data Analysis & Visualization, Quality Assurance, Product Management, Animation, AI / Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Game Development, Cloud Computing, Dev Ops and Data Science,  Apply Here

Visa Acceleration Program 2024

Visa Accelerator program is to Unlock your startup’s potential and fast-track your success in the dynamic world of fintech, This groundbreaking initiative connects Africa’s brightest minds with experienced mentors, cutting-edge technology, and unparalleled investment opportunities.

The program will be delivered in a hybrid format and will last for 3-months in total. It will include an onboarding week, 10 virtual focus weeks, an investor week and an in-person Demo Day. Other in-person events maybe be organized during the duration of the program such as city meetups or other country or regional events. Apply Here

IGF Digital Skills Training

The IGF Digital Skills Training program equips our future generation with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the digital economy. driving innovation , entrepreneurship, and successful careers. They encourage applications from females and individuals living with disabilities, There’ll be internship / employment opportunities for best performing trainees after the training. and the program will last for 6 months starting January 30 – June 30, 2024, and will be hybrid (both virtual and in-person) Apply Here

Green Tourism Incentive Programme 2024

The Green Tourism Incentive Programme (GTIP) is an initiative of the Department of Tourism with a key objective of encouraging and assisting privately-owned tourism enterprises to adopt responsible tourism practices through installing solutions to reduce their energy and water consumption and costs, The GTIP offers grant funding on a sliding scale from 50% to 90% of the total cost of the approved energy and water efficiency solutions up to a capped amount of R1 million. Apply Here

EnterpriseNGR YOE Internship Programme 2024

The Enterprise (YOE) Internship Programme is one of EnterpriseNGR’s immediate developmental initiatives that aims to address the national youth unemployment and under-employment trends as well as build capacity in the private sector, The YOE Internship Programme seek to improve the employability of Nigerian youth and position them for success in the workplace,

Youth of Enterprise will make you a star candidate for recruitment into Nigeria’s labour force. Apply Here

WIBE Grant 2024

The WIBE portal open to Empower Women and Youth with the aims of Transforming lives through grants, loans, mentorship, and training across the 36 state of the Federation, The WIBE Grant will support 36,000 individuals by providing financial assistance, mentorship, and training. Apply Here

NG Cares Covid-19 Grants 2024

The Nigeria COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (CARES) program is a $750 million state-driven initiative backed by the World Bank, specifically for the elevation of businesses affected by COVID19, Through the NG-CARES Program, the World Bank in collaboration with the Nigerian Government aims to deliver targeted relief, restore livelihoods and stimulate the economic recovery of vulnerable households and MSMEs in Nigeria. Apply Here

Empowering African Tech Talent

The DevCareer tech program aims is to support underrepresented tech talents entering the industry by providing resources, scholarships in collaboration with learning platforms, fostering an inclusive community, and exploring innovative approaches, The programme will offer comprehensive virtual live classes, peer learning sessions, training workshops, and visual learning content through a Learning Management System, Apply Here

Niger Delta Youth Hope Empowerment 2024

Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is to bring hope and reduce unemployed Youth in the .Niger Delta, The program of the system is developed to enable us identify and analyze potentials to properly harness, place, develop and empower us with the prouness of our Qualification, Skills, Interest, Passion & Status. don’t miss the programme

The NMFB Amazon Loan

The NIRSAL microfinance bank Facility is a set of benefits that makes it simpler for women and collectives of women-owned businesses to utilize the bank’s loan products. loan can only be if you are, Women Entrepreneur, Must be Nigerian by birth, No age limit, Sector (Agriculture, Business and others) Apply Here

Leadership Accelerator Programme 2024

The LEAP Leadership Institute stands at the forefront of driving youth leadership development on the African continent. The institute acknowledges the significant barriers faced by young people in Africa, which limit their successful transitions in key areas such as education, employment, healthcare, social mobility, and active citizenship.  Programme will provides a special combination of five online courses with a short learning curve and five hours of information as well as Six months of intensive mentorship tailored to the participant’s mentorship needs. Apply Here

 Grant Opportunities for Other Month: Click Here

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