AkwaPoly Massive Recruitment 2025/Apply Now

AkwaPoly Massive Recruitment 2025 | Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic recruitment portal is open, If you want to apply for the AkwaPoly recruitment, check criteria, nature of recruitment, requirement and Eligibility as well as procedure for online application. Full details.

The Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic recruitment open for both teaching and non-teaching academic staff to fill the following vacant positions in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State.

The appointment letter will be issued to qualify candidates that will  pass both the physical and credentials screening test that will be conducted by the authority of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic.


Do you want to apply for AkwaPoly Massive Recruitment.? If yes, follow the directive of this page and apply.

NOTE: Terms and conditions of service are the same as those obtainable in comparable State Tertiary Institutions in the Country.

1. School of Applied Sciences: Science Technology Options: –   Genetics       ) –   Taxonomy    ) –   Mycology      ) Senior Lecturer Lecturer I Lecturer II M.Sc, Ph. D, Teaching/Research Experience, Published Conferences/Seminar Papers, Journal Articles. Membership of relevant Professional body is Mandatory.
2. School of Business & Management: –   Accountancy –   Business Administration –   Office Technology &  Management (OTM) Senior Lecturer Lecturer I Lecturer II M.Sc, Ph. D, Teaching/Research Experience, Published Conferences/Seminar Papers, Journal Articles. Membership of relevant Professional body is Mandatory
3. School of Engineering –   Civil Engineering –   Elect./Elect.    Engineering –   Mechanical Engineering –   Mechatronics Engineering –   Welding & Fabrication –   Computer Engineering Principal Lecturer Senior Lecturer Lecturer I Lecturer II M.Sc, Ph. D, Teaching/Research Experience, Published Conferences/Seminar Papers, Journal Articles. Membership of relevant Professional body is Mandatory
4. School of Applied Sciences, –   Genetics        ) –   Taxonomy     ) –   Mycology      )   School of Business & Management, –   Accountancy –   Business   Administration –   Office Technology &  Management (OTM)   School of Engineering –   Civil Engineering –   Elect./Elect. Engineering –   Mechanical Engineering –   Mechatronics Engineering –   Welding & Fabrication –   Computer Engineering     Senior Instructors Instructor I Instructor II Senior Technologists Technologist I Technologist II         Senior Technicians         Senior Laboratory/Workshop Assistants   B.Sc., HND in relevant discipline plus at least six years post qualification cognate experience, NYSC Discharge/Exemption Certificates, Membership of relevant Professional body is Mandatory.     HND, ND with at least 9 years post qualification cognate experience.     ND, HND with at least 9 years post qualification cognate experience .
5. School of Environmental Studies –    Architecture –   Survey & Geo. Informatics –   Quantity Surveying –   Building Technology Senior Lecturer Lecturer I Lecturer II Lecturer III Assistant Lecturer         Instructor/Technologist B. Sc., M. Sc. Ph.D. Teaching/Research Experience, Published Conferences/Seminar Papers, Journal Articles. Membership of relevant Professional body is Mandatory   B.Sc., HND in relevant discipline plus at least six years post qualification cognate experience, NYSC Discharge/Exemption Certificates, Membership of relevant Professional body is Mandatory
6. School of Communication Arts   GNS ­   Asst. Lecturer Lecturer III   BA, MA (Hons.) English, French, Ibibio and Mathematics, Teaching/Research Experience, Published Conferences/Seminar Papers, Journal Articles, Computer Literacy. Membership of Professional body Mandatory.
7. Library & Information Science Principal Librarian Senior Librarian Librarian I Librarian II BLS, MLS, Ph.D. Teaching/Research Experience, Published Conferences/Seminar Papers, Journal Articles. Membership of relevant Professional body is Mandatory
8. Administration/Bursary Assistant Registrar BA, B. Sc., B.ED, MA, MBA, M. Sc. BA (Ed), MED, NYSC Discharge/Exemption Certificates, Computer Literacy. Membership of Professional body Mandatory plus 10 years cognate experience.
Administrative Officer I, II, & III BA, B.Sc., BA (Ed), B. ED, NYSC Discharge/Exemption Certificate, Computer Literacy. Membership of Professional body Mandatory.
Senior Executive Officers Higher Executive Officers ND, HND, NYSC Discharge/Exemption Certificate, Computer Literacy. Membership of Professional body Mandatory.
Executive Officers SSCE, ND with Computer Literacy
Confidential Secretaries ND, HND, B.Sc., in Office Technology & Management, NYSC Discharge/Exemption Certificate, Computer Literacy. Membership of Professional body Mandatory.
Data Processors/Computer Operators/Analyst ND, SSCE, Certificate in Computer Studies.
Clerical Officers SSCE, NABTEB, NECO
Porters FSLC, SSCE
Store Keeper FSLC, SSCE
  Motor Driver/Mechanic FSLC, SSCE, Trade Test, III, II, I

How To Apply:

Interested applicants are requested to visit the School Portal www.akwaibompoly.edu.ng and fill the online application form and print out acknowledgement slip.

Click Here To Apply


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