Portal for We Raise Foundation Emerging Leader Grants 2025

Portal for We Raise Foundation Emerging Leader Grants 2025| The portal for We Raise Foundation Emerging Leader Grants 2025 are now open, Emerging Leader grants are $15,000 over two years for new programs led by young adult leaders. Of the $15,000, $10,000 is designated for start-up expenses for the new program and $5,000 is designated exclusively for leadership development.

Emerging Leader Grants are an investment in the development of leaders, between the ages of 20-35, at Christian organizations who are leading new programs at the intersection of poverty, violence, and inequality in the United States.

The individuals who make up the We Raise Foundation team. People committed to the vision of people free from poverty, violence, and inequality.

If you believe as we do that God calls us to serve our neighbor, or you simply want to be part of the work of creating healthy communities, then join us as we raise hope together.


  • Emerging Leader grants are $15,000 over two years for new programs led by young adult leaders. Of the $15,000, $10,000 is designated for start-up expenses for the new program and $5,000 is designated exclusively for leadership development.


Open to:

  • Christian nonprofits within the United States and serving people in the United States;
  • Organizations serving people at the intersection of poverty, violence and inequality;
  • Organizations serving predominantly people of color;
  • Programs that are 3 years or younger or ones that have significantly expanded or entirely revised;
  • Programs that propose a new and innovative approach;
  • Capital expenses essential to new programming.

The Foundation seeks to identify leaders who possess these skills and characteristics:

  • Inspires and influences others
  • Clear communicator
  • Visionary and strategic thinking
  • Persistence and commitment
  • Develops trust within their team
  • Deep engagement in their community
  • A calling to this work, rooted in faith in Christ

How to Apply

Organisations or congregations may submit only one proposal or letter of inquiry during a grant cycle. Incomplete proposals may be eliminated from consideration for grant funding.

Apply Here

Application Deadline:

  • This grant program has a rolling deadline with grants awarded twice a year.

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