List of Courses offered at University of Yaoundé II/Check Now

List of Courses offered at University of Yaoundé II/Check Now

Welcome to the University of Yaoundé II list of available courses offered, The university as a high standard institution recognized as one of the best university in Africa and in the world. It enrols over 80300 (Eighty Thousand) Students per session.

The school located at Yaounde but the main campus is at Soa in Cameroon.




  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in general secondary education, a GCE / AL or a law and economics degree (with a cumulative grade point average of 12/20)

    Applications for registration include:

    • 1 application form to withdraw at the university – 4 photos (4 x 4)

    • 1 certified copy of the birth certificate less than 3 months old

  • GCE – Ordinary Level Examination- Subject
  • GCE – Advanced Level Examination – Subject
  • GCE – Ordinary Level Examination Technical – Subject
  • GCE – Advanced Level Examination Technical –Subject

List of Courses Offered

  • Legal and Political Sciences
  • Archéologie et Gestion du Patrimoine (Archaeology and
    Heritage Management)
  • Langues, Littératures et  Civilisations Germaniques (Languages, Literature and
    Germanic Civilizations)
  • Études Bilingues (Bilingual Studies)
  • Lettres Modernes Anglaises (Modern Letters English)
  • Lettres Modernes Françaises (Modern Letters French)
  • Linguistique Générale et Appliquée(General Linguistics and applied)
  • Littératures et Civilisations Africaines(Literature and civilization African)
  • Sciences du Langage (Science Language)
  • Tourisme et Hôtellerie (Tourism and Hotel industry)
  • Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Ibériques.(Languages, Literature and
    Iberian Civilizations)


What You Need To Know:

  • University Academic Calendar Click Here
  • Top Ranking University in Cameroon Click Here
  • List of Federal Universities in Cameroon and their Courses Click Here
  • List of Private Universities in Cameroon and their Courses Click Here

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