Ubuntu United Nations 2024 (Igniting Youth Action for Unity in Diversity Program)

Ubuntu United Nations 2024| Ubuntu United Nations open registration portal for Igniting Youth Action for Unity in Diversity Program 2024, How to Apply Igniting Youth Action for Unity in Diversity,  Igniting Youth Action for Unity in Diversity to promote ethics of care, building of bridges and servant leadership, underpinned by the Ubuntu philosophy and it will be implemented for young people and with young people from all around the world. Apply Here

About Ubuntu United Nations

“Building bridges: igniting youth action for unity in diversity“ is the inspirational motto of the Ubuntu United Nations edition. The Ubuntu United Nations initiative will promote these values and aims to achieve these objectives, for young people and with young people from all over the world.

Benefits for Ubuntu United Nations 

  • The Ubuntu Leaders Academy and the Ubuntu Global Network will award a certificate of participation at the end of the training program, to all participants who have fully attended the sessions and complied with the regulations of the Ubuntu United Nations.
  • Participation in the Ubuntu United Nations is entirely free of charge. This initiative will take place in online through the zoom platform.

Eligibility for Ubuntu United Nations 

  • Open to young people from the 193 countries with a seat at the United Nations;
  • Youth leaders, with a strong commitment to serving the common good of their communities;
  • Available and willing to go through the entire training program;
  • English language fluency (upper-intermediate to advanced level);
  • Easy access to the Internet.

How To Apply for Ubuntu United Nations :

Registration is completed when all of the fields of the form have been filled-in, namely the YouTube link with the presentation and motivation video, in English. Full attendance is required (including the Ubuntu United Nations).

For more information, visit Ubuntu United Nations.

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