Media Investment Projects (Nigeria Media Innovation Program 2023)

Nigeria Media Innovation Program 2023 | The opportunities are now open to youth in Nigeria, The Nigeria Media Innovation Program 2023. It is initiative set up to support the editorial independence of media organisations by strengthening their financial sustainability, is announcing a Media Product Fellowship. Continue reading

Nigeria Media Innovation Program (NAMIP) is a 3-year initiative working to increase capacity, generate sustainable and diverse revenue streams, and build audiences of independent media in Nigeria, particularly those reaching underserved communities. Launched in February 2022, it seeks to support the editorial independence of media organisations by strengthening their financial sustainability.

This four-month-long programme is designed to build the product thinking, execution and business development capacity of upcoming media practitioners as well as assist newsrooms on the road to sustainability by embedding these Fellows in their newsrooms


  Nigeria Media Innovation Program 2023 Aims:

The intervention is necessitated by the dearth of specific product and targeted business skills to serve independent media organisations. Thus, the purpose of the fellowship is to build these skills among media professionals at almost foundational level.

Benefit for Nigeria Media Innovation Program 2023:

  •  Practical learning on the designated courses intended to build and strengthen capacity in the area of media product and business development
  • They will be deployed to newsrooms where they will be required to practically deploy skills from the training sessions and contribute to the organisation’s growth for three months.
  • Fellows selected into the program will spend three weeks doing intense

Eligibility for Nigeria Media Innovation Program 2023:

  • This fellowship is for early to mid-stage media professionals who have a good understanding of journalistic best practices but wish to strengthen their knowledge of the news product strategy and media business
  • Have at least 3 years of experience working or interfacing in the media space or related fields.
  • Be able to participate full-time in a three-week long training program.
  • Be able to possibly intern in media organisations for at least 3 months.
  • Share a 500-word essay outlining an understanding of the media landscape, challenges, and the prospects and how a news product and business mindset can strengthen independent media organisations in Nigeria.

How to Apply Nigeria Media Innovation Program 2023

Interested person who meet the eligibility criteria should visit: NAMIP portal 

Click Here

Application Deadline: 10th of June 2023

All successful candidates will be contacted by the end of June 2023.

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