Marion Community Foundation Scholarships 2024 (Up to $500,000)

Marion Community Foundation Scholarships | The Marion Community Foundation Scholarships portal are now open, It is open to high school seniors and graduates from the Marion area who will be attending college the academic year beginning in the Fall of 2024.

About Marion Community Foundation Scholarships

  • Marion Community Foundation Scholarship for High School Students
  • Marion Community Foundation Scholarship for  graduates Students
  • Application Deadline: February 13, 2024

Marion Community Foundation offers an annual scholarship program for high school seniors and graduates in Marion and surrounding counties. The annual scholarship program includes more than 140 endowed and non-endowed funds and the program includes more than 145 scholarship funds.

Marion Community Scholarships:

  • In recent years, the funds have collectively awarded approximately $500,000 to 200+ students.

 Eligibility requirements for Marion Community Scholarships:

“Eligible educational institution” means one (1) whose primary function is the presentation of formal instruction and (2) that normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and (3) normally has a regularly enrolled body of students in attendance at the place where it carries on its educational activities.

Therefore, unless specifically permitted by the terms of a particular scholarship fund, scholarships shall not be awarded to students enrolled in online, digital, or other types of distance-learning institutions.

The Foundation may do any combination of the following for any unused portion of a scholarship award that is forfeited or returned:

  1. Decide to hold and apply the amount to a new eligible educational institution as long as the student enrolls in such new eligible educational institution no later than the immediately following spring term (provided, however, that the all the terms, requirements, and criteria of the particular scholarship fund continue to be met, especially any requirements that may relate to a specified eligible educational institution).
  2. Be extended to the following academic year for the Recipient.
  3. Retain or return the amount to the principal of the fund.
  4. Award part of all of the unused amount to a different Recipient in the current scholarship application year.
  5. Hold the unused amount and make it available to be awarded to a new Recipient(s) in the next succeeding scholarship application year.


Scholarship Application Rules and Guideline:

  1. Applicants who fail to fully complete the scholarship application by the deadline will not be considered in the review process and are ineligible to receive a scholarship award. Incomplete FAFSA information will not be considered as an excuse for failure to submit the application by the deadline.  Students whose parents have not received the appropriate tax information or documentation in time must still complete the FAFSA in the manner provided under such circumstances and submit their FAFSA/SAR/EFC information to the Foundation prior to the scholarship application deadline.  EXCEPTION:  Applicants may elect to not include the Applicant’s FAFSA or standardized test score information in the Applicant’s application, but such election and failure to include such information may disqualify such Applicant from the terms of particular scholarship criteria and requirements and Foundation’s Scholarship Committee may take into consideration – to the detriment of the Applicant – the lack of FAFSA or standardized test score information when making its award decisions.
  2. The preceding general rule shall be followed as much as possible; however, any of the following may be considered by the Scholarship Committee in its sole discretion as an exception to the above general rule, in which case the Scholarship Committee may permit an application to be filed after the deadline:
  3. Applicants whose school guidance counselor or other school, college, or university official contacts the Foundation before the application deadline and informs the Foundation that the school, college, or university was unable to submit required information or documentation due to an unavoidable event such as, but not necessarily limited to, a mechanical or electronic failure or problem with its data transmission system.
  4. The unexpected death or physical incapability of a recommender, school guidance counselor, or other school, college, or university official who was responsible for forwarding required information or documentation to the Foundation if the Foundation is notified before the application deadline of the facts related to such incapability.
  5. Legal non-citizens who are incapable by law of completing the FAFSA.
  6. An act of God or other natural disaster that prohibited the completion of the application by the deadline.
  7. Applicants who are not a U.S. citizen are not eligible for a scholarship award. The following applicants who are not a U.S. citizen are excepted from this general rule and are eligible for a scholarship award:
  8. Persons who have been granted legal status in the United States (for example, but not limited to, a lawful permanent resident, a lawful conditional permanent resident, or a lawful temporary visitor); or,
  9. Persons who possess a valid certificate of non-citizen national status issued by the U.S. Secretary of State; or,
  10. S. Nationals.
  11. If the terms, requirements, and criteria of a particular scholarship fund expressly state that an applicant must have attended a specifically named high school, then students who have been “home schooled” or students who have been enrolled in a “community school” (including, but not limited to, so-called virtual schools, online schools, or e-schools) or a state recognized “private religious school” or “chartered non-public school” are not eligible for awards from that particular scholarship fund. If the terms, requirements, and criteria of a scholarship fund do not expressly state that an applicant must have attended a specifically named high school, then students who have been “home schooled” or students who have been enrolled in a “community school” or a state recognized “private religious school” or “chartered non-public school” will be eligible for consideration for a scholarship award.  “Community school” and state recognized “private religious schools” and “chartered non-public school” have the meanings proscribed to them by the Ohio Revised Code, the Ohio Administrative Code, and the Ohio Department of Education.
  12. All applicants will give permission to the Marion Community Foundation staff and Scholarship Committee to communicate with any person regarding the applicant’s academic and financial information, or any other information the staff or committee deems necessary.
  13. A high school student who completes his or her high school graduation requirements earlier than the standard completion date (e.g., a student who completes all high school graduation requirements in fewer than eight standard terms), but who does not receive a diploma or “graduate” at such time, shall be treated as a “senior and candidate for graduation” during the Foundation’s scholarship application process immediately following the student’s completion of his or her graduation requirements. Conversely, a high school student who completes his or her high school graduation requirements earlier than the standard completion date (e.g., a student who completes all high school graduation requirements in fewer than eight standard terms), but who does receive a diploma and “graduates” at such time, shall be treated as a “graduate” during the Foundation’s scholarship application process immediately following the student’s completion of his or her graduation requirements.
  14. Foundation will use the information as submitted by the applicant on the application when reviewing and determining whether the applicant meets the criteria and requirements of Foundation’s various scholarships.
  15. Foundation will use the applicant’s name exactly as submitted by the applicant on the application when making award notifications, correspondence, awards certificates, award ceremonies, and any promotion in print or otherwise unless the applicant specifically notifies Foundation in writing of a different name to use.
  16. Foundation will rely on the good faith integrity of the applicant to submit all information on the application in an honest and accurate manner and the applicant shall attest to the honesty, accuracy, and integrity of the application at the time the application is submitted. If Foundation becomes aware of any lack of honesty, accuracy, or integrity in the application, Foundation may take any action it deems appropriate or necessary, including rejection of the application or revocation of any scholarship awarded.
  17. By submitting an application, the applicant agrees to all the guidelines, procedures, and requirements of Foundation’s Scholarship Program Guidelines and Procedures.

How To Apply for Marion Community Foundation Scholarships

All portions of the application must be completed and the online application must be in the “submitted” status by this deadline date and time. Click here to apply

For more information Visit:  Marion Community Foundation Scholarships 

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