ARCN: Agriculture Research Council Of Nigeria Recruitment 2025/How To Apply

ARCN Recruitment 2025| Agriculture Research Council Of Nigeria ARCN Recruitment 2025 portal are now open, ARCN is looking for quality and experience personnel to fill the various vacancy positions as Director/Chief Executive Officer in different department. Requirement and eligibility. Read Through.

The Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria ARCN is a government organization that dedicates itself to achieving significant improvements in agricultural productivity, marketing and competitiveness by generating appropriate technologies and policy options, promoting innovation, establishing a knowledge management capacity and strengthening the agricultural research system.


Job Positions:

1. Director/CEO, Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria (RRIN), Benin. The Institute has national mandate for research into genetic improvement, production and processing of rubber and other latex producing plants.

2. Director/CEO, National Roots Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike. The Institute has national mandate for research into the genetic improvement of cassava, yam, cocoyams, irish potato, ginger and sweet potato.

3. Director/CEO, Lake Chad Research Institute (LCRI), Maiduguri. The Institute has national mandate for research into the improvement of millet, wheat and barley.


  • Candidates must be holders of Ph.D in relevant discipline, have extensive research and teaching experience as evidenced by scientific publications in Research Institutes.
  • In addition, candidates must have ability to provide academic/administrative leadership as well as have clear and articulated vision for the development of the Institute.
  • Furthermore, he/she must not be more than 60 years of age at the time of commencement of tenure.
  • A minimum of Assistant Director or Associate Professor at NARIS wouId be required please.

Terms Of Appointment:

A single term of five (5) years only.


The Director/Chief Executive Officer is the Research and Administrative Head o f the Institute as well as responsible for the academic and administrative management o f the Institution.


Political Office holders Salary Scale.

How To Apply;

a. Applicants are requested to submit twelve (12) typewritten copies and one (1) electronic copy on CD of their curriculum vitae (CV) and photocopies of their credentials.

b. Functional phone numbers and email address should be indicated on the CV. Three referees are required to send their reports to the address below.

c. All applications and Referees’ reports should be marked “Confidential Application” at the top left corer of the envelope and addressed to:

The Executive Secretary,
Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN),
Agricultural Research House,
Plot 223D, Cadastral Zone B6, Mabushi,
PM.B. 5026, Wuse, Abuja. Nigeria.

Please Note: Candidate must apply for only one Institute as multiple applications (ie application for more than one institute) are not allowed.

Application Deadline: The deadline for submission of application is close of work on or before 13’th May, 2025.

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

For more detail: Visit ARCN

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