Portal for Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grants 2022(Up to $12,000) for South and Southeast Asian Students

Portal for Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grants 2022 | The portal for Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grants 2022 are now open, aims at enhancing the research capabilities of scholars and local institutions, especially in post-conflict and conflict areas, while helping to reduce the social and economic vulnerabilities of South and Southeast Asian countries through policy-relevant research.  Apply here

The Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grants are made possible thanks to the generous support of Sweden. This grant program is part of a new collaborative transnational project. The project focuses on junior faculty, graduate students, senior and independent scholars, women, and ethnic minority groups in particular. Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) Research Grants are available for short- (up to 2 months), medium- (2-6 months), and long-term (12 months) research projects that advance the fields of the humanities and social sciences in South and Southeast Asia.

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  • CHSS grants typically range from $2,000 for a short-term project to $12,000 for long-term.

The grants will be awarded with the understanding that within two years of completion of their project, the recipients will present the results of their research at an AAS-in-Asia conference, or a similar international conference, with acknowledgement of the award. Any publication based on the funded research should also acknowledge the Association for Asian Studies (AAS-Sweden) Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grants.


  • Open to South and Southeast Asian nationals holding a Ph.D. or Master’s degree or equivalent who are—or will be—engaged in the academic profession in South and Southeast Asia.
  • Scholars, students, independent researchers, and public intellectuals, who are based in low- and lower medium-income countries as well as those who come from and may be living in post-conflict areas or areas where conflicts are still ongoing.
  • AAS membership is not a requirement.

How to Apply

All applications must be submitted through the AAS application portal by September 30, 2022. Your application should include:

  • A cover letter outlining:
    • how the research grant will be used;
    • how it will contribute to the applicant’s professional development and academic career;
    • how this will contribute to the field of South or Southeast Asian studies in general.
  • A detailed curriculum vitae, as well as the curriculum vitae of any team members or co-primary investigators (if applicable).
  • A proposal of 800-1,000 words on the research project
  • A budget, detailing anticipated project expenses.
  • A sample of the applicant’s work. (No minimum length, but ideally 2,000 – 2,500 words)
  • Two recommendation letters by referees, who are familiar with the applicant’s field of research. Preference will be given to applicants who have never received a research grant in the past and/or who are based in an under-resourced institution. Each applicant must request that the letters be submitted via the online portal by September 30, 2022. Contact the Grants Manager at [email protected] if any difficulties arise on this step.

Apply Here

Application Deadline: September 30, 2022

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