This article contains the safety tips necessary for proprietors (owner of the school) and the way forward as well as a management function. focus attention and read through.


  • The word proprietor means owner. The ownership of schools can be divided in two broad categories: Public and Private schools. Public schools are owned and operated by government agencies including Ministries ( Education, Health, Agriculture, Commerce & Industry, Defence, etc.) Military and security establishments including Army, Navy, Airforce, Customs, Prison Service, etc
  • Private Schools are owned and operated by individuals, companies, Christian and Islamic organisations, communities, etc. Proprietors or owners of schools have critical roles to play in making the schools safe. For most public and private schools, the alter ego of the owners resides in the Governing Councils, Board of Governors or Management Committees. They set policies and take decisions for and on behalf of proprietors.
  • The ultimate responsibility for the safety of the school and school community resides with the proprietors of schools, Whether public or private, as school Administrators, to all intent and purposes, are agents of proprietors.
  • Ensure implementation of comprehensive policy guidelines relating to the security of students and staff. Such policies should include, but not restricted to, conduct of regular risk and threat assessment audit for the school, inaugurate of standby emergency preparedness plan, incident response team, incident command systems as well as regular drills and exercises to ensure that systems are always in a state of readiness and alertness.
  • Install strong monitoring mechanisms should be put in place to ensure that policies on safety and security emergency preparedness are effectively implemented by the school administration
  • The most critical responsibility of proprietors is proper funding of their school, Most schools are not able to install safety and security mechanisms because they lack funds. In such situations, proprietors must take responsibility for the consequences of lack of safety measures. proprietors should provide adequate financial resources for;
    • Installation and servicing of emergency preparedness plans
    • Conduct of drills and exercise
    • Conduct of safety awareness training programmes
    • Provision of security equipment and tools
    • Perimeter fencing and parking lots
    • Establishment and running of health clinics
    • The building of living quarters for critical categories of staff in boarding schools
    • Employment of engagement of qualified and competent security professionals
  • Proprietors should take an active interest in personally reviewing records of security drills exercises, test running of security equipment, purchase, installation and servicing of security equipment.

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