Guarantor Forms Nigeria Immigration, Custom, Civil Defence and Police
Guarantor Forms| This article contains the current guarantor’s or Referees Form use in Nigeria Paramilitary organisation such as Custom, Civil defence, Immigration, and Nigeria Police Force. check online Here.
(1) Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS); was created to be an effective and efficient, trained and motivated workforce.
Apply for Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) Recruitment
Download NIS Referees Form
[googlepdf url=”” download=”Download” ]
(2) Nigeria Customs Service (NCS): Nigeria Customs Service is a reference and model administration with excellence in providing effective and efficient service to accomplish all dimensions of its mission.
Recruitment guideline Here
Download NCS Guarantors Form
[googlepdf url=”” download=”Download” ]
(3) NIGERIA SECURITY AND CIVIL DEFENCE CORPS (NSCDC): It is commissioned to provide measures against threat and any form of attack or disaster against the nation and its citizenry
Recruitment Guideline Here
Download NSCDC Referee’s Form
[googlepdf url=”” download=”Download” ]
4) Nigeria Police Force (NPF): to protect the property of citizens, the life of each person, prevent crime and enforce the law
Recruitment Guideline Here
Download NPF Guarantor’s Form
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”police form”]
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