Get Free Online Degree Course 2025 | Is it possible to obtain a quick online degree? Many people today are realizing how beneficial having multiple degrees can be to their careers. However, in today’s fast-paced world, the majority of people would rather not spend years attempting to obtain their degrees. Instead, they want their degrees quickly and preferably online, so all they have to do is connect to the Internet from their home computers. As a result, many universities began to offer online degrees and other accelerated programs. Before you jump on the online degree bandwagon, there are a few things you should be aware of. Read Through
To begin, because of the high demand for quick online degrees, many shady companies are attempting to capitalize on this demand. These businesses are more commonly referred to as degree mills. Anyone who is willing to pay can obtain an online college degree. What’s the catch? Because there is no coursework, these degree mills essentially sell degrees to anyone willing to pay the money. These degree mills also offer a la carte options. For an additional fee, you can get your degree with honors, transcripts, and even employer verification.
So you’re probably wondering how these degree mills can provide you with a diploma. They actually credit you for your “life experience.” There are many legitimate schools that give credit for life experience, but this is in addition to the coursework that you must still complete in order to obtain an online college degree. Degree mills, on the other hand, will simply give you all of your credits based on your life experience.
Many employers will not accept “degrees” obtained from degree mills. Sure, you may have extensive life experience and know as much, if not more, than your degreed coworkers, but a degree from one of these degree mills will not suffice. In fact, some states make it illegal for employees to use unearned degrees to get hired or promoted. Employers consider getting degrees from degree mills to be unethical. Laura Callahan, the former deputy chief information officer of the Department of Homeland Security, is one of many government employees being investigated by the Senate for including unearned degrees in their resumes and job applications.
So you know that buying a degree from a degree mill is not only unethical, but it can also land you in a lot of trouble if you’re caught. This does not preclude you from obtaining a legitimate fast online degree. There are reputable and legal institutions that provide quick online degrees. It is worthwhile to conduct research on schools and other institutions that provide online degrees. As a guideline, consider the following:
1. Assess the degree program on offer. Find out what the graduation requirements are, how much credit the school will give you for prior learning, and what the school considers prior learning. Most reputable and legitimate schools that provide fast online degrees will typically give you no more than two years of credit for prior learning. Your life experience may or may not be included.
2. Assess the institution that provides quick online degrees. Is it an overall reputable school? What is the demographic profile of the school’s graduates? Can the school’s graduates get into graduate schools? Check out the State of Oregon’s database for a list of “substandard” schools:
3. Assess the teaching staff. Determine the student-to-faculty ratio. What percentage of the teaching staff holds a doctorate? What are master’s degrees? In terms of publication, what types of work have faculty members published, and where?
4. Verify the school’s accreditation. You should obtain your online degree from a school that has been duly accredited by a legitimate state-approved accreditation body. The Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation (UCOEA) and the Board of Online Universities Accreditation (BOUA) are not legitimate accreditation bodies, so keep this in mind if an institution claims to be accredited by the UCOEA or BOUA. Check the Council for Higher Education’s website to see if a college or institution is accredited.
It is possible to obtain a quick online degree that is both legal and acceptable to current and prospective employers. Simply take the time to thoroughly research each institution and program to ensure that you are not paying for something that will not help you advance your career.