Apply For Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals 2025 (Master’s Up To SEK 15,000 funded)

Apply For Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals 2025| The Swedish Institute open the call for applications once every year for master’s studies beginning in the autumn semester,  In order to have a successful application, make sure to be eligible, complete all steps of the process, and that you have the documentation required to finalise your application in time. Please read through the following pages carefully

  • The scholarship includes a travel grant of SEK 15,000 for the entire study period for the following countries, (Bangladesh, Bolivia; Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia or Zimbabwe)
  • Full tuition fee coverage. The fee is paid directly by SI to your Swedish university in the beginning of each semester.
  • A monthly payment of SEK 11,000 to cover your living expenses throughout the study period for the following countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine)
  • Insurance against illness and accident.
  • Travel Grant. This is a one-time payment and does not apply for students already living in Sweden.
  • The online application portal for the SI Scholarships for Global Professionals academic year 2025/2026 is open until 28 February 14:59 CET

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The SI Scholarship for Global Professionals aims to develop future global leaders that will contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to sustainable development. The applicants should have a clear idea of how their education will contribute to the sustainable development of their home countries and regions. In 2025 the Swedish Institute will grant about 250 scholarships for master’s degree studies in Sweden.

The scholarship is intended for full-time, one- or two-year master’s programme, and is funded by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Swedish Institute open the call for applications once every year for master’s studies beginning in the autumn semester. In order to have a successful application, make sure to be eligible, complete all steps of the process, and that you have the documentation required to finalise your application in time. Please read through the following pages carefully.

Programmes: Master’s Level Studies in Sweden


  • To be eligible for the SI Scholarship for Global Professionals, you must be a citizen of one of our 41 eligible countries
  • Have sufficient documented proof of work and leadership experience
  • Must also follow the application steps for University Admission and be admitted to one of the master’s programmes on time.

Eligibility Countries for Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals 2025

Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bolivia; Belarus; Brazil; Cambodia; Cameroon; Colombia; Ecuador; Egypt; Ethiopia; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Guatemala; Honduras; Indonesia; Jordan; Kenya; Liberia; Malawi; Moldova; Morocco; Myanmar (Burma); Nepal; Nigeria; Pakistan; Peru; Philippines; Rwanda; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Tanzania; Tunisia; Uganda; Ukraine; Vietnam; Zambia; Zimbabwe

Criteria for Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals 2025

  • Country of citizenship: You must be a citizen of a country that is eligible for SI scholarships. However, you do not need to reside in the country at the time of the application.
  • Previous experience: You must have a minimum of 3,000 hours of demonstrated work experience. In addition, you must have demonstrated leadership experience from your current or previous employer, or from civil society engagement.
  • University admissions: You must be liable to pay tuition fees to Swedish universities, have followed the steps of University Admissions and be admitted to one of the eligible master’s programmes by 30 of March 2025.
  • Master’s programmes : The master’s programmes you apply for must be eligible for SI scholarships. We give priority to programmes within certain subject areas, depending on your country of citizenship.

Required documents for Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals 2025

They will not consider any other documents than the required ones. You have to use SI’s provided forms, and you must complete your application in English. Otherwise, your application will not be considered further.

  • CV (we only accept the SI-template)
  • Letters of reference (we only accept the SI-template)
  • Valid and completed proof of work and leadership experience (we only accept the SI-template)
  • Copy of your valid passport/National ID card
  • Motivation (will be asked of you in the application portal)

Note! Your application will be disqualified if any of the above is missing.

How to apply for Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals 2025

It will also be a merit if you can demonstrate your involvement in networks or civil society organisations outside of your regular work with a letter of reference. Read more about the required documents below. Click Here
You can now send in your application through our application portal Click Here
Deadline to submitt your application is the 28 February 14:59 CET. Any application received past the date and time will not be considered for the scholarship.

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