Political Science Course Code

Political Science Course Code

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Political Science Course Code

Do you want to study Political Science? or if you have gotten admission in the Department of Political Science, here are what you need to know.

SSCE requirement:

Five (5) important credit subject include:

1) English

(2) Maths

(3) Literature

(4) Government

5) CRK

Political Science is one of the course concern about the study or understanding the systems of governance, and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts, and political behaviour.

Duration of study:  4 years

Note that, all fresh graduate from senior secondary school, by any means of processing admission either through JAMB, etc. to study Political Science at any Polytechnic, College of Education and University of your choice, the prerequisite that determines your eligibility for admission is a subject combination of Political Science Course.

JAMB – Subject Combination

Political Science. – English, Government, Economics, Econs

The above subjects are the key requirement to be registered during the jamb admission registration form.

Meanwhile, If you are a newly admitted students, the area of concentration is what we are looking at in this article.

The list of courses you need to study as a first-year or fresh students in any tertiary institution include:

List of University you can apply for scholarship Click Here

First Semester

1 GES 1011 Communication in English I 2
2 GES 1021 History and Philosophy of Science 2
3 GES 1031 Nigeria Peoples and Culture 2
4 GES 1041 Use of Library, Study Skills and ICT 2
5 ECO 1111 Principles of Economics  I 2
6 LAW 1111 Nigerian Legal System I 2
7 PSD 1691 Introduction to African Politics 2
8 PSD 1111 Introduction to Political Science 2
9 SOC 1111 Introduction to Sociology 2
10 MGT 1111 Introduction to Management Sciences 2
                      TOTAL 20

Second Semester

1 GES 1011 Communication in English II 2
2 GES 1022 Logic, Philosophy & Human Existence 2
3 GES 1032 Communication in French 2
4 GES 1042 Community Service 1
5 THG 1722 Introduction to Church History 2
6 ECO1112 Principles of Economics II 2
7 LAW 1122 Nigerian Legal System II 2
8 PSD 1312 Organization of Government: The Citizen and the State 2
9 PSD 1512 Nigerian Constitutional Development 2
10 PSY 1112 Introduction to Psychology 2
                      TOTAL 19

YEAR 2 (200-LEVEL)

First Semester

1 GES 2011 Peace and Conflict resolution 2
2 GES 2025 Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Theory & practice) 2
3 THG 2711 Spiritual Theology & Catechesis 2
4 PSD 2621 History of Diplomacy 2
5 PSD 2121 Introduction to Political Analysis 2
6 PSD 2211 Introduction to International Relations 2
7 PSD 2411 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2
8 PSD 2331 Introduction to Public Administration 2
9 PSD 2521 Nigerian Government and Politics I 2
10 PSD 2111 Introduction to Social Statistics 2


Second Semester

1 EDC 2012 Business Creation & Growth 2
2 THG 2722 Social Teachings of the Church 2
3 ECO 2452 Urban and Regional Economics 3
4 PSD 2422 Foundations of Political Economy 2
5 PSD 2132 Political Ideas 2
6 PSD 2532 Politics in Africa 2
7 PSD 2342 Introduction to Local Government 2
8 PSD 2522 Nigerian Government and Politics II 2
9 PSD 2642 International Conflict and Security 2
Total 18


YEAR 3 (300-LEVEL)

First Semester

1 POL 3141 History of Political Thought 1  2
2 PSD 3161 Logic and Methods of Political Inquiry 2
3 PSD 3171 Contemporary Political Analysis 2
4 PSD 3191 Research Methods in Political Science 2
5 PSD 3221 Comparative Federalism 2
6 PSD 3431 Politics of Development & Underdevelopment 2
7 PSD 3651 Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice 2
Electives (Any 2)
8 PSD 3441 The Methodology of Comparative Politics 2
9 PSD 3451 Theory and Practice of Marxism 2
10 PSD 3351 Theory and Practice of Administration 2
Total 18

Second Semester

1 PSD 3142 History of Political Thought II 2
2 PSD 3152 Political Behaviour 2
3 PSD 3382 Public Policy Analysis 2
4 PSD 3242 Politics of International Economic Relations 2
5 PSD 3632 Institutions of Global Governance 2
6 PSD 3672 Political Data Analysis 2
Electives (Any 2)
7 PSD 3172 Government & Administration of Urban Systems 2
8 PSD 3362 Public Administration in Nigeria 2
9 PSD 3232 Theories of International Relations 2
Total 16

YEAR 4 (400-LEVEL)

First Semester

1 PSD 4481 State and Economy 3
2 PSD 4461 The Military and Politics 3
3 PSD 4471 Development Administration 3
4 PSD 4491 Third World and Dependency 3
5 PSD 4541 Politics and Law in Africa 3
Elective (Any one of the following)
6 PSD 4551 Nigerian Local Government 2
7 PSD 4561 Political Sociology 2
8 PSD 4571 Revolution and Society 2
Total 17

Second Semester

1 PSD 4282 Project 6
2  PSD 4272 International Law and Organizations 3
3 PSD 4612 Diplomatic Theory and Practice 3
4 PSD 4682 Intercultural Management 3
Elective (Any one of the following)
5 PSD 4692 Current Issues of International Relations 2
6 PSD 4252 Nigerian Foreign Policy 2
7 PSD 4272 Political Parties and Pressure Groups 2

Candidates are hereby informed that the registration of course form always lasts for two (2) weeks after the resumption. The hard copy print out should be submitted to the Faculty officer for verification and authorisation.

If you need our update or current information concerning the Political Science Course Code requirement, kindly provide us with your phone number and Email Address in the comment box below. Also, feel free to ask any question pertaining to this guide.

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