NOUN Begin On-Demand Virtual Examination
National Open University (NOUN) has announced to students the On-Demand virtual Examination Date, Nature of the Exam, Students Examination Guide.
Students are to note the following directive from the Vice-Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) on the commencement of the on-demand virtual examination.
- The URL for access to the virtual examination on-demand application process is :
- Postgraduate students could take their examinations provided they apply for it by midnight 13th of June, 2025, from 15th to 20th of June, 2025.
- Dates for undergraduate students’ virtual examinations is as follows:
Arts, Education, Agriculture and Health Sciences | 19th of June, 2025. | 22nd – 28th of June, 2025 |
Social Sciences | 1st of July, 2025. | 1st – 11th of July, 2025 |
Management Sciences | 11th of July, 2025 | 13th – 17th of July 2025 |
Sciences and Law | 18th of July, 2025 | 20th – 25th of July, 2025 |
All candidates should please note that once a course is selected for virtual examination, it cannot be made available to the student for physical examination at the Study Centre (after lockdown order is lifted).
NOUN Examination on-demand Policy
- A student must apply for examinations by completing the electronic application form for on-demand Virtual Examinations.
- The student should have dully registered to take the examinations.
- The student must sign the undertaking on the virtual examination on-demand application form that he/she is computer literate enough to do virtual examinations.
- The student must have interacted with his/her Course Material for a minimum of 8 weeks from the date of course registration.
- The student must have completed Tutor-Marked Assignments [TMAs] 1-3 for all courses that he or she is demanding to be examined on.
- There must be a “Proctor” to supervise the exams wherever the student is taking the examinations.
- The Directorate of Examinations and Assessment will determine the date and mode of the examinations.
- The Head of Department (HOD) must have provided Test Items for the courses to be examined.
- All other rules and regulations approved by the University Senate for the conduct of examinations must be adhered to.
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