EMSS Recruitment 2025 | The Sydani Group a management consulting firm is recruiting an experience and professional medical expert to fill the available vacancies for service delivery in Primary Health Care (PHC) facilities across the 36 state and the Federal capital territory (FCT), through the expanded Midwives Service Scheme (EMSS). how to apply read through.
- Retired Nurse, Midwives and or nurse midwives (between 60-65 years old)are encouraged to apply
- If qualified, you are required to verify email via link
- Shortly after verification, you will received a notification email with a link
to take the Computer -Base Test - You will have a grace period of 10-days to complete the Computer- Base Test
The recruitment 2025 in line with Nigeria’s commitment to improving material, newborn, and child health indices in Nigeria, they are recruiting Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs) and Medical Doctors to contribute to optimizing RMNCH+N service delivery in the Prinmary Health Care (PHC) facilities in all 36 state of the federation.
Read: Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital Recruitment 2025
(A) Medical Doctors:
Job Descriptions:
A. Clinical/Community Health functions
- Provide clinical oversight and guidance to the nurses/midwives during the continuum of care including prenatal, child delivery, and post-natal care.
- Make arrangements for rendering services for the treatment of minor ailments at the community level and the PHC through the Nurses/Midwives and CHEWs.
- Screen cases requiring specialized and emergency medical attention and refer them to the nearest secondary or tertiary health institutions.
- Visit surrounding PHC facilities as assigned and directed by the LGA, state, and national management to provide support to service delivery in those facilities.
- Provide in-patient and out-patient counselling as required in the PHC facility.
- Collaborate with CHEWs, CHIPs, WDC, and various Community-based organisations to organize and promote community outreach and health programs in the facility catchment area.
B. Supervision and Training
- Ensure that the SBAs and other clinical staff in the facility are up-to-date on the best practices for carrying out their routine responsibilities in line with the national standard.
- Supervise SBAs’ work periodically both in the facility and in the community setting to give them the necessary guidance and direction.
- Organize training programs including continuing education for the SBAs and other clinical and non-clinical staff in the PHC according to the national standard and prescription. This training may include:
- Reproductive and Child Health Programs
- Routine Immunization Programs
- Control of Communicable Diseases
- Family Planning
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
C. Administrative Functions
- Provide oversight supervision to the work of the SBAs and other Clinical staff in the PHC facility.
- Ensure to keep up-to-date inventory and stock register of all the stores and equipment supplied.
- Review the programs and works of the SBAs and other clinical staff and suggest changes.
- Participate in monthly
- An MBBS degree from a recognize institution
- A valid practicing licence from the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria
- A minimum of 12 years experience post housemanship
- An excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- The ability to work in a team
(B) Nurse/Midwife:
Job Descriptions:
Clinical Functions
- Provide pre-pregnancy advice on health, including nutrition education
- Provide family planning information and services
- Provide syndromic management of sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs)
- Provide of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) counselling and testing
- Ensure that all pregnant women that visit the health facilities are identified and receive antenatal services
- Conduct antenatal clinics and provide health education on the importance of ante-natal care and on the danger signs of pregnancy
- Give appropriate doses of tetanus toxoid, Intermittent Preventive Therapy (IPT) and other routine drugs to pregnant women
- Provide HIV counselling and testing
- Provide Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) services
- Identify high risk pregnancies and refer appropriately
- Manage complications from miscarriages and/or unsafe abortions
- Promptly recognize women in labor
- Manage labor, treat complications, and make appropriate and prompt referrals where necessary
- Provide appropriate emergency obstetric care for all women who develop complications during childbirth
- Refer mother and baby for interventions beyond personal technical competence or not possible in the facility setting
- Assist women to successfully initiate breast feeding within 30 minutes of delivery and continue to sustain breast feeding
- Follow up of women for continuum of care and track defaulters, where necessary
- Work with other team members to ensure appropriate link between clinic staff and community-based service providers
Newborn and child health services
- Provide resuscitative effort to newborns, where necessary
- Carry out growth-monitoring and promotion of children’s health in the community
- Promote infant and child health including participation in the National Program on Immunization and management of childhood malaria
- Supervise immunization of children
- Provide Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) services
Administrative Functions
- Participate in regular staff meetings for feedback on ongoing activities
- Together with other staff of the facility, liaise with the Ward Development Committee (WDC) to support and maintain all equipment provided to the facility and ensure the drugs and consumables allotted to the health facilities are well managed
- Participate in monthly briefing of the WDC of their activities and challenges
- Maintain appropriate logistics for drugs and consumables to avoid stock outs
- Ensure records of activities of the health facility are kept using all relevant books and forms provided
- Ensure that all relevant data collected on the PHC Health Management Information System are collated, analyzed and the information used for decision making
- Carry out all assigned administrative functions, including supervisory functions for Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs)
- Receive supervision and mentoring from designated officials
- Participate in all statutory meetings and training related to the facility and the program
- Effectively document all required information and provide statutory reports as at when due
- Submit monthly joint reports to the LGA PHC department with the CHEWs in the facility
- Be either a registered nurse, registered midwife, and/or registered nurse/midwife
- Have a minimum of one (1) year post-NYSC experience in providing reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health plus nutrition (RMNCH+N) services
- Have a valid license to practice
(C) Community Health Extension Worker (CHEWS):
Job Descriptions:
Outreach/Community Health Functions
- Carry out advocacy activities for promoting maternal and newborn health in the community
- Educate community members on the importance of antenatal care (ANC) and the need to seek care promptly
- Identify pregnant women in the community and provide antenatal care
- Work with other members of the PHC team to educate the community on danger signs of pregnancy
- Mentor Community Health Influencers, Promoters and Services (CHIPS) agents and Community Resource Persons (CORPs) on basic midwifery skills
- Ensure that eligible children in the community are immunized
- Conduct community-based growth-monitoring of children under age five (5)
- Conduct home visits to mothers within the first few days of delivery and follow-up on sick children and other clients that visited the clinic
- Follow-up on clients that were referred for higher levels of care, upon their return to the community
- Conduct awareness in the community on nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, deworming of children and vitamin supplementation A
- Educate the community on the need for pregnant women and children to sleep under long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and the benefit of Intermittent Preventive Therapy (IPT) for pregnant women
- Educate community on water and environmental sanitation
Clinical Functions
- Triage patients who come to the facility to receive treatment
- Assist the midwives in providing services at the facility
- Manage clients according to standing order
- Assist midwives in taking delivery
Administrative Functions
- Ensure that the catchment map of the facility of deployment is available in the facility (to be developed by the facility team and the WDC)
- Compile the profiles of all pregnant women, newborns and under 5 children in the community by identifying and registering all the above-mentioned that either visit the facility and/or are reached during the outreach
- Mobilize and track pregnant women in the community and ensure that they visit the health centers at least four times before their delivery, follow-up with them after delivery and ensure that all under 5 children are fully immunized
- Educate communities on key household practices e.g., hand washing, exclusive breastfeeding, use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) etc.
- Register and report births in the community that did not take place at the health center
- Report all cases on maternal and newborn death in the community to the health facility
- Ensure that births and deaths in the community are officially registered
- Attend ward development committee meetings
- Supervise and organize meetings with the community resource persons
- Maintain link between clinic and community resource persons (CORPs) in the community
- Assist in collating, analyzing, and interpreting National Health Management Information System (NHMIS)
- Be accountable to the officer in charge of the assigned health facility
- Submit monthly joint reports to the LGA PHC department along with the midwives in the facility
- Be a certified Community Health Extension Worker. Possessing proof of having undergone modified Life Saving Skills (mLSS) will be an added advantage
- Have a minimum of one (1) year experience in providing reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health plus nutrition (RMNCH+N) services
- Have a minimum of one (1) year experience in the conduct of community health outreaches
- Have a valid license to practice
How to Apply
Interested person who meet the eligibility requirement click here and apply
Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 11, 2025
For more information Visit: EMSS